2023, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2023; 26 (2)
Pregnant adolescents, communication and environment, in a clinic of Morelia, Michoacán
Gutiérrez CGA, Kanán CEG, Chacón PWL, Gómez AC
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 410-426
PDF size: 480.73 Kb.
Introduction: Communication between father and adolescents;
determines the communication between peers, outside the family,
the acquisition of addictions and risk behaviors.
Objective: To
identify the type of communication prevalent between the pregnant
adolescent and her parents.
Material and methods: Observational,
descriptive, cross-sectional study. Sixty pregnant adolescents
participated, who signed informed consent or informed consent and
who answered the communication test between parents and
adolescents and requested other sociodemographic variables.
Results: The prevalent type of communication was effective with
75% and 65% respectively for the mother and father. The most
frequent stage of adolescence was the late one, the predominant
schooling the degree, the person with whom the participants live is
their partner or husband and the marital status mostly found was
married. 25% of the participants started their sex life at 15 years old.
More than 50% of the participants used family planning method in
the first sexual intercourse, in more than 50% the pregnancy was
not planned. 85% of the participants have a family history of
pregnancy in adolescence.
Conclusion: Effective communication
between teenagers and their parents prevails, which seems to be
related to living with their partner and being married. Although they
used the family planning method in the first sexual relationship, the
pregnancy was not planned. Most adolescents had a history of
adolescent pregnancy in the family, which seems to be the repetition
of a pattern or family loyalty.
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