2023, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2023; 26 (1)
Promoting psychological well-being during the pandemic: gestalt group telepsychotherapy in university students with anxiety
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 284-305
PDF size: 486.70 Kb.
Various studies reveal that the Psychological Well-being of students
was affected by the current situation (Covid-19 pandemic),
generating adverse effects on their mental health, such as
presenting symptoms of anxiety. This qualitative study
(phenomenological hermeneutic) was carried out with the objective
of developing a group psychotherapeutic intervention program in
virtual modality with a Gestalt approach to promote Psychological
Well-being in university students with anxiety symptoms, belonging
to a public institution. Participated 7 students (5 women and 2 men)
from different degrees and semesters, aged between 18 and 23
years. In the diagnostic phase, the results showed that they were
affected in 3 dimensions of Psychological Well-being (Selfacceptance,
Autonomy and Control of the Environment), and
presented symptoms of anxiety such as: lack of concentration,
digestive problems, sleep, overwhelm, frustration, sadness,
demotivation, negative thoughts, among others. After participating
in the intervention (15 Gestalt Group Therapy sessions), the
participants showed improvement in their state of Psychological
Well-being and fewer anxiety symptoms than they had before the
intervention. In conclusion, intervening in strengthening the Self
functions of the participants impacts their mental health.
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