2023, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2023; 26 (1)
Diverse families and diversity in families, development and situationality in paternities
Yoseff BJJ, Romero MEP, Salguero VMA, Delabra RBÁ, Soriano CM
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 264-283
PDF size: 473.54 Kb.
Living in a postmodern world entail assuming the speed with
which social, cultural, work, and even family changes occur.
These changes affect the relationships we build with other
people. This paper aims to describe and analyze the peculiarities
in the exercise of paternity, specifically in the development of
family life, and the diversity of possibilities in the implicit and
explicit agreements under which family life is organized. A
dialectical conception of being a person in a historical moment,
whose situational conditions and circumstances are important to
comprehend the particularities of family changes. Therefore, we
enter into the private microcosm of family life, where changes are
produced, reproduced, distributed, and demanded by situated
people (Jelin, 2007). We prioritized the constant arrangements
over a division or classification of families. We choose to look at
the interactions in parent-child relationships, especially of sons
and daughters in adulthood. These relationships we assume to
be dialectical, changing, and particular.
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