2023, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2023; 26 (1)
Negative dynamics among women in work environments in the metropolitan area of the Valley of Mexico
Camacho SMJ, Rocha STE, Robles MAL, Cifre GE
Language: Spanish
References: 50
Page: 190-220
PDF size: 592.87 Kb.
Currently, there are controversial findings regarding the
relationships of woman in the workplace with their co-workers,
bosses or employees. Multiple investigations characterize these
relationships as competitive, while others point to the existence of
alliances. This unleashes a discussion and interest regarding
whether or not these relationships contribute to gender equality at
work. The objective of this study is to understand the negative
relationship dynamics based on the experience of 168 woman who
work in public institutions and private companies in the Metropolitan
Area of the Valley of Mexico. The research is qualitative with a
feminist approach. It was found, within the results, that the negative
dynamics are configured in three ways: gender competition, gender
disidentification and labor misogyny, which are due to the patriarchal
panoptic of femininity, the underrepresentation and hypersexualization
of women. In addition, the most common forms of
expression were passive aggressive, indirect and relational
aggression. This problem is discussed in the range of violence,
byproduct of the patriarchal and capitalist system. This study
contributes to the demystify the use of the term ‘’queen bee’’ that
individualizes a problem that is historical.
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