2023, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2023; 26 (1)
Self-esteem, motivation and adpatation to universittylife in medicine students
Sánchez RA
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 143-167
PDF size: 614.72 Kb.
The entrance of the students to the university environment involves
situations and events that affect their biological and psychological
health. The objective of the study was to analyze the repercussions
on the self-esteem and motivation of the new students entering the
career of surgeon doctor at the FESI UNAM during their process of
adaptation to university life. 241 students from the first semester of
the FESI UNAM surgeon career participated. The reduced version
Academic Experiences Questionnaire (CVA-r, Márquez, 2009), the
Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory (IA, Lara, 1993) and the Scale
to measure motivation when studying medicine (MEM, Mayta, 2015)
were applied to them.
Results: positive correlation between the total
scores of the students in the CVA-r, the IA and the MEM, it is
concluded that the better adaptation to university life the self-esteem
is higher and the motivation is higher.
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