2023, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2023; 26 (1)
Categorization of interactions during the training of psychologists in the clinical and research field
Cruz GE, Barberena CI, Pacheco CV
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 60-78
PDF size: 445.70 Kb.
In the analysis of educational phenomena, is recognized the
importance of the individual who has just joined the social practice
and the one who carries out a strategy for the incorporation of a new
member. In the present investigation, the interactions in the
classroom between teachers and psychology students were
analyzed. The objective was to generate categories to analyze
behavior based on the factors that are configured in these
interactions: between the field of performance of the scientific
practice of psychology, disciplinary, sociological, didactic, and
psychological criteria, the modalities of teaching practice, and the
apprentice's performance. Specifically, this behavior is analyzed in
research and clinical settings. Which correspond to the scientific and
technological professional practices of the psychologist. From the
results, it was identified: that teachers participate more than
students. And that the former identify mistakes and successes on
the performance of the latter. In addition to this, students and
teachers describe relevant concepts and procedures according to
the psychological perspective in which the subjects studied are
framed. It is suggested to complete this analysis with the review of
products produced by the students, to identify the efficiency of
teaching conditions in higher education. Eventually, this type of data
would contribute to the improvement of vocational training
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