2023, Number 5
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salud publica mex 2023; 65 (5)
The impact of insomnia symptoms on obesity among Mexicans aged 50 and older
Momin KN, Sheehan C, Samper-Ternent R, Lopez DS, Wong R, Milani SA
Language: English
References: 49
Page: 530-541
PDF size: 356.67 Kb.
Objective. To examine the association between insomnia
and obesity in Mexican adults aged 50 and older.
and methods. We used data from the Mexican Health and
Aging Study (2015-2018). Self-reported insomnia was measured
using the modified insomnia severity index with scores
ranging from zero to six. Obesity was categorized using body
mass index (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m
2). We used generalized estimating
equations to assess the association between insomnia and
obesity over three years.
Results. Insomnia was associated
with obesity (odds ratio [OR]: 1.06, 95% confidence interval
[CI]: 1.01,1.11), among those with no obesity at baseline.
Among those with obesity, insomnia was not associated with
changes in BMI. Lastly, obesity was not associated with changes
in insomnia symptoms.
Conclusion. This work highlights
the association between insomnia and obesity among older
Mexican adults and demonstrates the importance of further
studies on the effects of insomnia within this population.
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