2023, Number 5
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salud publica mex 2023; 65 (5)
Living arrangements and socioeconomicbased health disparities in Mexico
Huffman-Espinosa C, García-Ramos C
Language: English
References: 30
Page: 446-455
PDF size: 713.94 Kb.
Objective. To investigate the role living arrangements play
in the co-dynamics of socioeconomic position and health in
the latter part of life.
Materials and methods. Based on
longitudinal data from the Mexican Health and Aging Study
(MHAS), latent class analysis (LCA) and locally weighted regressions,
in this article we estimate age trajectories to examine
the degree to which wealth and health-related outcomes
correlate with typical living arrangement dynamics.
Main results suggest a complex dynamic relationship between
living arrangements and social inequalities in health, with
important differences by sex, unlike mortality trends as they
appear to diverge with differences in wealth regardless of
household structure.
Conclusions. Our methodological
approach provides new insights regarding the likely effect
household structure play when analyzing the dynamics of
social inequality. To date, this is the first longitudinal analysis
to offer this kind of empirical evidence for the region.
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