2023, Number 3
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Otorrinolaringología 2023; 68 (3)
Malformations of first and second branchial arches. Embryological and genetic concepts and patient follow-up guidelines
Solorio FJ, Martínez MJ, Peñuelas RJK, Ibarra CJ, Chávez ME, Arenas SML
Language: Spanish
References: 61
Page: 107-138
PDF size: 577.98 Kb.
Congenital malformations are those present at birth. Their prevalence ranges are 4.7
to 6.4%. Craniofacial defects are an important part of congenital malformations with
high structural and functional complexity. They are very common, approximately 75%
of human birth defects and 0.1 to 0.3% of all births. Each branchial arch is formed by a
central nucleus of mesodermal tissue (which will form the muscles of the face and neck),
covered on its outer side by superficial ectoderm, and lined on the inside by epithelium
of endodermal origin. On the central part of the arches will migrate an abundant number
of neural crest cells, which will constitute the skeletal components. Each arch will have its
own muscular and arterial component and its own nerve. Craniofacial malformations can
be classified in different ways. Depending on the anatomical location, they have been
classified into anomalies of the first, second, third, and fourth arches. Second branchial
arch anomalies are the most common, approximately 95% of cases. The craniofacial
complex develops as a consequence of complex interactions with precise regulation.
Several molecular pathways and numerous genes are involved in this development,
such as transcription factors, growth factors, and receptors. Two of the most common
are cleft lip with or without cleft palate and facio-auriculo-vertebral spectrum. In both,
different types of inheritance can be considered, when they are isolated, multifactorial
inheritance is probably more frequent. It is necessary to offer an interdisciplinary
management and have a constant follow-up to solve the problems that arise.
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