2023, Number 3
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Salud Mental 2023; 46 (3)
Sex and Body Mass Index differences after one-year follow-up of an eating disorders risk factors universal prevention intervention in university students in Mexico City
Unikel SC, Barajas MMW, Díaz LVC, Parra CA, Rivera MJA, Bilbao MG, Díaz GM
Language: English
References: 49
Page: 147-154
PDF size: 214.20 Kb.
Introduction. Interventions based on cognitive dissonance theory are the most effective for preventing eating
Objective. To identify the changes at one year follow-up of a universal prevention intervention in
disordered eating behaviors (DEB), thin-ideal internalization (TII), and drive for muscularity (DM).
Method. A
pre-experimental, pretest-posttest study was conducted on 602 university student subjects (76.1% women
and 23.9% men) with an average age of 20.74 years at a public (30.6%) and a private university (69.4%) in
Mexico City. A Split Plot ANOVA was performed with the intrasubject variable equal to each measurement
(pretest, posttest, and follow-up), as well as the sex and body mass index (BMI) intersubject variables to
analyze whether there was a significant interaction between these variables and the changes in dependent
variables, as well as the changes through each measurement by group.
Results. In the intrasubject analyses,
statistically significant differences were found for DEB through the various measurements, without taking the
interactions into account. Statistically significant interactions were observed between each measurement and
BMI, and between each measurement and sex and BMI for the DM variable.
Discussion and conclusion.
Since a reduction of TII in women and DM in men was achieved, together with a decrease in DEB in women,
the workshop can be said to have fully achieved its objectives for women and partly so for men.
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