2023, Number 3
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Salud Mental 2023; 46 (3)
Comparison of two psychotherapies in cortisol response and their efficacy in reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression in women victims of intimate partner violence
Cerda-De la O B, Cerda-Molina AL, Biagini-Alarcón M, Mayagoitia-Novales L, De La Cruz-López M, Whaley-Sánchez JA
Language: English
References: 56
Page: 137-146
PDF size: 280.23 Kb.
Introduction. There is a growing need to implement evidence-based psychological treatments for women
victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) who commonly experience stress-related disorders such as anxiety,
depression, or suicide risk, as well as altered cortisol reactivity.
Objective. 1. To compare the changes in
depressive and anxious symptomatology, quality of life, and cortisol reactivity after two different interventions,
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT, based on psychological flexibility) or Interpersonal Therapy (IPT,
based on empowerment) in women exposed to IPV. 2. To compare the changes in relation to the presence
of suicide thoughts.
Method. A clinical sample of 50 women (ages 21-74) randomly assigned to attend ACT
or IPT, completed pre- and post-intervention questionnaires about intimate partner violence, quality of life,
depression, anxiety, and measurements of salivary cortisol reactivity (basal, 15, 30, and 45 minutes after a
cognitive challenge). We used Generalized Estimating Equation Models for data analysis.
Results. There
was a significant improvement post-intervention in all variables, regardless of the type of psychotherapy or the
presence of suicide thoughts. Before interventions, women that reported suicide thoughts had severe symptoms
of depression, anxiety, worse quality of life, and a cortisol hyper-response profile, in contrast to women
without suicide thoughts who had moderate symptoms and no cortisol response. Cortisol response to the
cognitive test decreased in all women after both therapies.
Discussion and conclusion. Although different
psychological approach, ACT, and IPT effectively improved mental health, quality of life, and changed cortisol
reactivity of women exposed to IPV, including women at suicide risk.
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