2023, Number 2
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rev homeostasis 2023; 5 (2)
Infecciones de vías urinarias en el embarazo, revisión de la literatura
Mejía RJL, Contreras RKV, Valero RAD, Del Pelayo PM, Tawney SC
Language: Spanish
References: 37
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The urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the most common pregnancy complications, and are considered the main cause of obstetric consultation. The clinical types of UTIs can be distinguished as asymptomatic bacteriuria, cystitis, and pyelonephritis. Pregnancy-induced changes that lead to urine stasis are the main causative factor of urinary tract colonization by pathogens, Escherichia Coli is the most common. Patients with untreated or inadequately treated infections are at higher risk of developing pyelonephritis, which can lead to major maternal and fetal complications. Therefore, unlike nonpregnant women, all UTIs during pregnancy require antimicrobial treatment, even when asymptomatic. In some patients, prophylactic treatment in addition to non-pharmacological preventive measures are needed. The objective of this article is to know through a critical review of the literature the clinical significance, diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infections in pregnant patients and their most common clinical presentations.
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