2022, Number 1
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Rev Acta Médica 2022; 23 (1)
Human papillomavirus infection in negative cytology women in a familiarization trial with the Cobas® 4800 HPV test
González GN, Ortega CA, Díaz LM, Salcedo GB, García MG
Language: Spanish
References: 11
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Introduction: Oncogenic genotypes of human papillomavirus have been associated with the development of cervical cancer. Prevention and early detection strategies are moving towards the integration of molecular knowledge and risk stratification profiles in order to represent, more accurately, the individual at risk, which is currently known as precision medicine.
Objective: To detect human papillomavirus and individual oncogenic genotypes in a familiarization trial based on a molecular biology method.
Methods: A study was carried out to detect human papillomavirus using the Cobas® 4800 human papillomavirus test during familiarization for the introduction of the method at Hermanos Ameijeiras Clinical Surgical Hospital. A total of 929 women, aged 30-50 years, were determined to be asymptomatic, with negative cytology in the twelve months prior to inclusion. DNA samples were obtained from cervical cells collected in Cobas® medium (Cobas® PCR CellCollection Media, PreservCyt® Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany).
Results: Human papillomavirus was detected in 17.7% of the samples. Of these, 13.3% had the genotype 16; 10.7%, the genotype 18; and 76% were positive for the other high-risk genotypes.
Conclusions: The method detected a high frequency of human papillomavirus infections in women, with higher proportions of genotypes 16, 18 and other high-risk genotypes associated with progression to cervical cancer.
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