2022, Number 283
Metrics of articles on pharmacology published in Revista 16 de abril
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 1-7
PDF size: 498.32 Kb.
Introduction: pharmacology constitutes an interesting research profile because the search for effective treatments against diseases has been an enormous challenge for the scientific community, both professional and student. Objective: to describe some metrics of articles on pharmacology published in Revista 16 de Abril. Method: a bibliometric study of observational and descriptive design was carried out, from January 2015 to December 2021. The universe consisted of the 22 articles published on pharmacology in the journal. The typology variable, number of articles per year, language, number of authors, sex of the first author, most productive institutions, number of references, age of references, Price index , citations and number of corrected citations. Results: 36.36% of the articles were of the original articles typology. Articles with 2 to 4 authors were more frequent (86.36%) and 63.63% of the first authors were male. An average of almost 19 references per article was found. The Price index ranged between 0.14 and 0.77. 18.18% of the articles received citations where they predominated in the review articles. Conclusions: the University of Medical Sciences of Havana led the scientific production, predominating original articles, multiple authorship and the first author was male. Low student scientific production on pharmacology was confirmed, with low citation rates.REFERENCES
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