2022, Number 283
Cuban scientific production in SCOPUS on cardiology and cardiovascular surgery during 12 years
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 1-6
PDF size: 537.25 Kb.
Introduction: cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death in the world and, given this, scientific research is a mechanism to improve the health of populations. In this context, bibliometrics uses tools that offer information on the behavior of science in various branches of knowledge. Objective: to characterize the behavior of Cuban scientific production in cardiology and cardiovascular surgery in SCOPUS. Method: a bibliometric study with an observational and descriptive design was carried out using the data offered by Scimago Journal & Country Rank. A search was made of the data offered by this platform of the publications on cardiology and cardiovascular surgery carried out in Cuba from 2009 to 2020. Results: in the period studied, a total of 363 documents were published for an average of 30 publications per year. . The year 2020 stood out as the year with the largest number of published documents (88) and 2010 the year with the least number (13). A total of 1523 citations were made in this period for an average of 126.9 citations per year, being the The year 2012 in which the greatest number of citations were made (234) followed by the year 2009 (229) and 2020 the one with the least amount (36). Conclusions: Cuban scientific production on cardiology and cardiovascular surgery has a marked tendency to increase, however it is necessary to increase scientific training in these areas in order to improve quality and impact and thus increase the number of citations. Self-citations maintain lower values than those found in other thematic areas and a downward trend.REFERENCES
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