2022, Number 283
Clinical-epidemiological characterization of hypertensive patients from a medical office in Santa Clara
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 1-6
PDF size: 596.49 Kb.
Introduction: arterial hypertension is a chronic disease with high morbidity worldwide. Its approach represents a challenge for the health system at its different levels of care, but especially for the primary level, since it is here where the diagnosis and follow-up of most cases are carried out. Objective: to clinically and epidemiologically characterize patients diagnosed with high blood pressure belonging to the 17-4 medical office in the municipality of Santa Clara. Method: an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in the period from February to May 2021. The universe consisted of 193 hypertensive patients. The studied variables were: age, sex, skin color, risk factors, symptoms at the time of diagnosis, family history and drugs used for treatment. Results: the age group from 40 to 59 years old (48,7 %), the female sex (58 %) and the black-skinned patients (36,8 %) prevailed. Smoking stood out as a risk factor (71,3 %) and headache was the most frequent symptom at the time of diagnosis (43,3 %). Patients with a family history of first-degree arterial hypertension represented 35,2 % of the cases. Of the total number of patients, 69 received treatment with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors. Conclusions: the most affected patients are female with a family history of high blood pressure. Smoking was the predominant risk factor in the population and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors were the most used medication.REFERENCES
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