2022, Number 1
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TIP Rev Esp Cienc Quim Biol 2022; 25 (1)
Fungal microbiota from indoor air of a Child Development Center in an arid zone
Jiménez-Hernández VG, Guzmán-Grijalva HM, García-Navarrete G, Ramos-Enríquez JR, Esquer-Peralta J, Alvarado-Ibarra J
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 1-9
PDF size: 427.01 Kb.
Child Development Centers aim to provide multidisciplinary care for the population of children, a sector particularly susceptible to
respiratory diseases due to the presence of fungal microorganisms that are dispersed by air currents in the spaces where users are.
Therefore, the objectives of this work were to evaluate the fungal concentration of the indoor air of the Child Development Center
of the University of Sonora, identify the taxonomy of the isolates and describe the possible pathogenicity for human health. From
May 2 to May 27, 89 samples were taken from 17 places where minors are present and from a control point. Static samplings were
carried out at a height of one meter, using SAS SUPER 100 equipment and sedimentation on Petri dishes with Agar Sabouraud
culture medium. By the imprint technique, 14 fungal genera were identified. Among the predominant ones are
Cladosporium spp.,
Aspergillus spp. and
Penicillium spp., with 31%, 26% and 16%, respectively. The highest fungal concentration detected was
53 CFU/m
3, a value lower than considered dangerous due to indoor air pollution by various government institutions around the
world. However, species of clinical interest of the genus
Aspergillus were identified, with A. niger predominant in all the sites,
followed by
A. ochraceus, A. flavus, A. versicolor and
A. fumigatus.
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