2023, Number 48
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Inv Ed Med 2023; 12 (48)
Medical training and current sociopolitical scenario: Experience from a national constitutional process
Villalón-Calderón MA, Cerda-Thomas RA, Romero-Barrientos AC
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 110-115
PDF size: 270.85 Kb.
Introduction: The Chilean process of constitutional
change brought forth an opportunity for discussion and
deliberation from a professional and citizen perspective
amongst residents of the Training Program for Medical
Specialists in Public Health (PFMESP) of the University
of Chile.
Seminar: A seminar was held on this process, devised
by the residents and guided by the head of the PFMESP
academic committee, given the close relationship between
regulatory frameworks and the work of public
health physicians (MESP). The selected topics sought to
progressively cover conceptual aspects on constitutional
norms, their relationship with health, specific content of
the new constitution (NC) proposal and future perspectives.
Special relevance was given to the establishment of
constructive dialogue, avoiding inorganic confrontation.
Medical training and socio-political contingency: The
seminar can be considered as an exercise in integration
of elements of social relevance in medical training, an
aspect valued in the processes of training programs accreditation
and the role of the University. As part of this
experience, it is expected that desirable competencies
such as social responsibility, professional citizenship and
leadership will emerge. The training in the exercise of
these, involves stimulating critical thinking, which reflexively
approaches the socio-political contingency to the
individual and public dimensions of the practice of the
Learning and discussion: Aspects of the contingent social
and political scenario were brought into contact with the
specific knowledge of public health physicians. Leadership
skills, teamwork and professional peer dialogue were
put into practice. Finally, issues and queries were raised
that questioned the development models of nations, the
valuation of life and health of their communities and the
translation into different normative bodies.
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