2023, Number 48
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Inv Ed Med 2023; 12 (48)
Cognitive flexibility and academic performance in firts-year medical students
Jaimes MAL, Fossion R, Flores LJ, Caraveo-Anduaga JJ
Language: Spanish
References: 43
Page: 41-51
PDF size: 382.23 Kb.
Introduction: Various investigations have shown that cognitive
flexibility predicts the academic performance of
preschool and school children, but only a few of them
have shown the participation of cognitive flexibility in the
academic performance of university students.
Objective: To analyze the association between cognitive
flexibility and academic performance of first-year
medical students; in addition to some socioeconomic
that influences cognitive development and
academic performance.
Method: In a sample of 406 first-year medical students,
we evaluated cognitive flexibility (with the WisConPC
computer program) and socioeconomic background as
factors associated with the academic performance of
medical students with multiple linear regression analysis.
Results: Indicated that cognitive flexibility and sociocultural
context are factors associated with general academic
performance, particularly in biomedical subjects.
Conclusions: The findings of this study have implications
for the teaching-learning process of biological and chemical
sciences since teachers can promote cognitive flexibility
using didactic strategies aimed at the development
and use of mental operations that imply the formulation
of inferences and the application of proportional, logical,
and probabilistic reasoning, thus contributing to the construction
and transformation of the students’ knowledge.
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