2021, Number 4
Characterization of newborns with cardiorespiratory depression at the Hospital Ginecobstétrico ''Fe del Valle Ramos'' in Granma
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 1-11
PDF size: 295.20 Kb.
Introduction: the cardiorespiratory depression in neonates is a clinical complication that, depending on its etiology, leads to high neurological morbidity and mortality.Objective: to characterize neonates with cardiorespiratory depression treated in the neonatology service at the Hospital Ginecobstétrico “Fe del Valle Ramos” in Manzanillo, Granma.
Method: a retrospective, observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out. A total of 88 neonates with cardiorespiratory depression criteria were selected in the study. All information gathered includes the period January 2017 throughout December 2018. Variables assessed were as follow: Apgar score, years of study, sex, type of cardiorespiratory depression, birth weight, maternal factors, gestational age and associated conditions.
Results: severe depression at birth was predominant in most of neonates (56.8%). Newborn infants with a normal birth weight (73.9%), and born at term (77.2%) were predominant. Maternal infections during gestation (45.5%), prolonged rupture of membranes (31.8%) and the presence of meconium in the amniotic fluid (30.7%) were the maternal factors most associated with depressed neonate.
Conclusions: the maternal infections, premature rupture of membranes, the presence of meconium in the amniotic fluid, cesarean birth, nulliparous status, premature and adolescent pregnancy are some of the risk factors assessed in this study that are closely linked to the prevalence of arising conditions in depressed neonates.
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