2023, Number 4
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Medicina & Laboratorio 2023; 27 (4)
Frequency of vaginal dysbiosis in women of childbearing age according to international criteria in Cali and Ipiales laboratories
Quintero-Corzo L, Rosero-López ML, Acosta-Derazo EJ, Rincón-Castillo GA, de la Pava-Atehortúa A, Bello–Álvarez LM, Salcedo-Cifuentes M, Tangua-Arias AR, Quiroz-Arias C
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 357-368
PDF size: 137.79 Kb.
Introduction. Vaginal dysbiosis in women of childbearing age can affect
pregnancy or increase the risk of acquiring sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
We sought to establish the frequency of vaginal dysbiosis in women of childbearing
age, and the quality of the report received by doctors for diagnosis.
We carried out a retrospective/descriptive study that included 225 records of
vaginal smears from pregnant and non-pregnant women, from clinical laboratories
of three health service provider institutions, attended in laboratories in Cali and
Results. 56.4% of the records came from the municipality of Ipiales and the
rest from Cali. The average age of the women was 27.5 years. 60% of the samples
analyzed had some type of vaginal dysbiosis. 80.4% of the cases of vaginal dysbiosis
occurred in pregnant women, of which 50% were during the first trimester of
pregnancy. The quality of the report of vaginal smears was deficient in 50% of the
Conclusion. The frequency of vaginal dysbiosis was higher in pregnant than
in non-pregnant women, no statistically significant association was found between
the frequency of vaginal dysbiosis according to gestational age or ethnicity/race.
Additionally, there was much heterogeneity in the way the findings were reported,
and a considerable proportion of data was missing in those reports.
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