2023, Number 4
Risk assessment of Point-of-Care Testing equipment in the hospital environment. Systematic review
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 297-313
PDF size: 138.93 Kb.
Introduction. Point-of-Care Testing (POCT) devices have given rise to a new approach in the clinical laboratory. With an increase in demand for these devices and the absence of mandatory regulations to standardize their use and management, the objective of this review is to evaluate the literature on the quality management of POCT devices, as well as their impact on patient safety. Methodology. The literature search was performed using the PRISMA methodology in the Medline and Embase databases. Articles published from March 2012 to March 2022 were selected. The descriptors used were "Point of Care Testing", "Patient Safety" and "Quality Assurance". Results. The search returned 58 articles, of which 9 were selected for review. In the evaluation of these articles, preanalytical errors were detected in 6 of them, analytical errors in 3, and postanalytical errors in 4. The methodology to identify the error was carried out in a standardized manner in 7 of the selected articles. Regarding the error detected, the identification of the patient stood out, and among the corrective measures the automation of the analytical process. Conclusion. The harmonization of the analytical process through compliance with accreditation standards is essential to ensure the quality of the results. To achieve this objective, the role of the POCT coordinator through a multidisciplinary team is indispensable.REFERENCES
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