2021, Number 5
Accuracy of the Moyers method to predict size of non-erupted teeth. Centro Habana Municipality. 2020
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 1-8
PDF size: 357.84 Kb.
Introduction: In Cuba, the Moyers method is used to predict the size of non-erupted canines and bicuspids.Objective: To determine the precision of the Moyers method to predict the size of non-erupted teeth in patients from Centro Habana municipality.
Material and Methods: A development research was conducted in "Luis Galván Soca" Polyclinic from March 2019 to May 2020. The universe consisted of individuals aged 12-24 years. The sample was composed of 100 people who were selected by simple random sampling. Moyers table was analyzed by sex for all percentiles.
Results: In the female sex, the lower mean square error for the upper and lower arches corresponded to the 50th percentile: 0.476 and 0.464 respectively, the only one in which the difference between the estimated and the real values was not significant. Therefore, for females, the eligible percentile in both arches would be 50 %. In males, in the upper arches, the lower mean square error (0.576) for the 65th percentile showed no significant differences between the estimated and the real values (p = 0,269); however, in the lower arch it was 0,592 for the 75th percentile. Therefore, in the upper arch, the eligible percentile for males was 65 while, in the lower arch, it was 75; the strength of this correspondence is intense for both arches.
Conclusions: In the population studied, the Moyers method was found to be accurate in predicting the size of non-erupted teeth in females, but not in males.
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