2023, Number 09
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2023; 91 (09)
High-grade malignant B-Cell lymphoma with blastoid during pregnancy: a case report
Castillo CJR, Hernández FSE, Barbabosa VJA, Olivera GN, Mújica MA
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 698-705
PDF size: 220.70 Kb.
Background: Hodking's lymphoma is more common during pregnancy than non-
Hodking's lymphoma; it affects, on average, women aged 30 years (18-44 years) and
older. It is usually diagnosed around 28 weeks of pregnancy and is documented to
be carried to term. Treatment regimens can be initiated in the immediate postpartum
period or even earlier. The worldwide incidence of non-Hodking's lymphoma is 0.8
per 100,000 women; survival during pregnancy is unknown.
Clinical case: 34-year-old patient, with obstetric history of three pregnancies, one
cesarean section and one abortion and the current pregnancy in progress at 29 weeks,
referred from the city of Colima due to a report of BI-RADS 3 on breast ultrasound and
a palpable breast nodule, with evidence of multiple tumors in the hepatic, splenic and
peripancreatic area. Biopsy taken from the lesion areas reported: high grade malignant
B-cell lymphoma, with blastoid morphology and expression of C-MYC and BCL2. In
addition, the patient was found to have: anemia, abdominal pain, multiple hepatic
nodules and abdominal adenopathies. It was decided to terminate the pregnancy
at 30 weeks, with the delivery of an uncomplicated newborn. Rituximab-Etoposide,
Prednisone, Vincristine, Cyclophosphamide, and Doxorubicin (R-EPOCH) therapy was
started immediately with adequate adaptation by the patient.
Conclusion: Since bibliographic information on lymphoma and pregnancy is scarce,
the case reported here is relevant for its contribution. Multidisciplinary care will always
favor the prognosis of patients.
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