2021, Number 6
Characterization of the clinical classifications applied in dentistry care
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1-11
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Introduction: every clinical classification is composed of two elements; the diagnosis of the disease and the classification scale, the first one is a classification in itself and can be reached by different ways. The second can only be reached by following the clinical elements.Objective: to characterize the clinical classifications applied in dentistry care.
Methods: a descriptive study was carried out to inquire about the characteristics of the clinical classifications applied in dentistry care, for which a semi-structured interview was conducted with 50 specialists of the 5 dentistry specialties. The variables were frequency, origin, validity, reasons and problems of clinical classifications.
Results: it was found that 94 % use the classifications very frequently, that 90 % of the classifications come from other countries and 92 % of the total is not known if these have been validated, the most used reason in the department predominated with 70 % and the problem most frequently presented was patients who can be placed in more than one category.
Conclusion: clinical dentistry classifications in the assistance are characterized by a high frequency of use, with a large representation of foreign classifications, of which in a large representation it is not known if they have been validated, whose main reason for choosing which one to work with is the criteria of the department and of those that are recognized, a large part have problems with the diagnosis or with the classification scale.
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