2021, Number 5
Training of human resources in nursing at ''November 11th'' University, Cabinda, Angola
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 377.39 Kb.
Introduction: before the growing need to preserve the safety of people who come daily to receive healthcare services for the purpose of preventing diseases or maintaining and recovering health, governments must ensure the training of competent human resources who provide quality care, where nurses represent the cornerstone in the healthcare system.Objective: to assess the training of human resources in nursing at November 11th University, Cabinda, Angola during 2015-2018.
Methods: a descriptive, retrospective research was conducted. Data were collected through literature review, interviews with founders of the school and documents from the office of the teaching registrar.
Results: students from different academic years (337) were found to be in the training process, 24,6 % were second-academic year students, 129 of them took state exams where 44% obtained grades higher than 15 values.
Conclusions: throughout Cuba - Angola cooperation project, 129 students have been graduated in Nursing Degree, who are inserted in the healthcare system of Cabinda, contributing to the increase of the levels of health of the population, evaluating as very effective the development of human resources of these professionals of the healthcare sector.
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