2003, Number 1
Leadership in the administration process
Múgica GCC
Language: Spanish
References: 8
Page: 30-35
PDF size: 66.75 Kb.
The administration process or address is the mark in which you/they are the leader’s activities. The administration: “to work with and through individuals, groups and other resources to get the objectives of the organization.” (Hersey and Blanchard). The leadership implies to work by means of individuals and groups with the purpose of reaching objectives, but these they can differ of those characteristic of the organizaciòn or to represent only a part of them. The essential difference between the administration concepts and leadership is the sentence “objectives of the organizaciòn.” The fundamental distinction between administration and leadership is that the directive are responsible for the objectives of the organizaciòn while the leaders can take the responsibility so sole of a segment of this objectives.The abilities that should possess the you lead and directive are classified in three general categories: (Technical, Human and Conceptual). The development in Management of the directive Services and controls means in the organizations is one of the strategies that today in day should incorporate in the training programs. The Manager of Services, is that person that is in charge of an organization or of some of her subunits. The directive functions that have prevailed in the Services of Health for years, should advance of being a rigid administrative process to an innovative administration that is adjusted to the current necessities of each one of the organizations assistance of public and private Services of Health. (Management of Services). In this sense, it is necessary that the Directive of Services of Health, so much of public institutions as private, develop directive abilities and managerial dexterities that it allows them a better acting of their functions as Managers and this way to fulfill the objectives of the organization.