2023, Number 2
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Enf Infec Microbiol 2023; 43 (2)
Hemophagocytic syndrome secondary to Epstein-Barr virus infection
Anzures GSA, Alatoma MNÉ, Reyes GU, Soria SF, Quero HA, Reyes HKL, López CG, Pérez PO, Juárez VR
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 58-62
PDF size: 245.63 Kb.
Introduction. Hemophagocytic syndrome is a heterogeneous nosological entity. It is characterized by benign
histiocytic proliferation, histologically hemophagocytosis occurs in organs of the nuclear hemophagocytic system.
Cases associated with viruses, bacteria and parasites have been reported.
Case report. 5-year-old female preschool, with intermittent fever of one year evolution, she had hepatosplenomegaly,
anemia, pancytopenia. Within his study approach, serology showed antibodies for Epstein-Barr: EBC IgM
10 EBNA IgG 47.8 EA IgG 150 VCA IgG 750, as well as hypertriglyceridemia ›2 g/l, hypofibrinogenemia (‹150 mg/dl)
and hyperferritinemia (›500ng/ml). Hemophagocytosis in the bone marrow was documented and hemophagocytic
syndrome was diagnosed. His management was multidisciplinary.
Conclusión. Hemophagocytic syndrome diagnosis is complex and often late, and can simulate the presence
of other infectious diseases. It is important to carry out complementary studies that allow a correct differential
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