2021, Number 4
Risk factors associated with cervical cancer
Language: Spanish
References: 31
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Introduction: Human papillomavirus is the most common sexually transmitted infection and the cause of the appearance of malignant cervix injuries. High risk sexual behaviors usually begin in adolescence and more than half of the new infections occur in young people.Objective: To determine the risk factors associated with cervical cancer in the students of the Faculty of Medical Sciences in Cienfuegos.
Methods: This is a descriptive, cross -section study, fundamentally enclosed in the quanti-qualitative paradigm of the investigation, from May to July 2019. The sample was made up of 103 students of the Medicine school who consented to participate. The variables used were number of sexual partners, time elapsed in years since the beginning of the sexual relationship, use of condoms and contraceptive tablets, number of abortions, background of sexual transmission infection and simple vaginal exudate. The data were processed with the statistical package of SSPS v. 19.0 and presented in tables with absolute numbers and percentages.
Results: 47.5 % of adolescents have sex for more than 4 years, with more than three couples 50.5 %. 13.6 % always use condom and 50.5 % use contraceptive tablets. 38.8 % have a history of STIs and 75.7 % had bacterial vaginitis.
Conclusions: The early beginning of sexual intercourse, the number of sexual partners, and the low use of condoms are the most representative risk behaviors associated with cervical cancer.
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