2023, Number 2
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Rev Med UAS 2023; 13 (2)
Maternal and perinatal impact of urinary tract infection in pregnancy: a review
Jacobo-Gallardo AK, Báez-Barraza J, Quevedo-Castro E, Morgan-Ruiz F, López-Manjarrez G, Gutiérrez-Arzapalo PY, Morgan-Ortiz F
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 201-216
PDF size: 224.64 Kb.
The second most frequent pathology found in pregnant women is urinary tract infections, posing a great therapeutic
challenge due to the maternal and fetal compromise that they can cause. During pregnancy there are functional, structural
and physiological changes of the urinary tract, these changes promote the invasion of germs from the urethra and
the development of urinary pathology. Therefore, all pregnant women should undergo asymptomatic bacteriuria screening
by urine culture, and if positive, always receive antimicrobial treatment, as it is an important risk factor for the development
of Pyelonephritis during pregnancy, unlike of the non-pregnant woman.
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