2021, Number 4
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Rev Cub Med Mil 2021; 50 (4)
Relationship between physical activity and quality of life in youth during the COVID-19 pandemic
Díaz FC, Mendoza MA, Rodríguez CH, Valdivia MJ, Herrera-Valenzuela T, Guzmán-Muñoz E, Magnani BBH, Valdés-Badilla P
Language: Spanish
References: 24
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The COVID-19 pandemic has generated social distancing, causing a decrease in the practice of physical activity and a lower health-related quality of life.
To relate the level of physical activity with health-related quality of life in youth, during COVID-19 lockdown.
Cross-sectional study that evaluated 184 students (61,4 % female) with a mean age of 13,97 + 1,69 years, residing in the Maule region, Chile. Two self-application surveys were applied, with the short version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire and the valid version in the Chilean population of the KIDDO-KINDL.
There was a direct and significant correlation between the total time of mild physical activity with self-esteem (p= 0,043) and, between the total sitting time with emotional well-being (p= 0,025), self-esteem (p= 0,014), school (p= 0,031), and total quality of life score (p= 0,006) for the total sample. Only females showed a correlation (p< 0,05) between total time sitting with family, school, and total quality of life score. In addition, significant differences (p< 0,05) were found in the total time of moderate physical activity, school, and total quality of life score in favor of males.
There is a relationship between the total time of physical activity with self-esteem and between the total sitting time with emotional well-being, self-esteem, school, and total quality of life score in youth during COVID-19 lockdown.
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