2023, Number 07
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2023; 91 (07)
Giant uterine leiomyoma in a 14-year-old Mexican adolescent, a rare case of abnormal uterine bleeding. Case Report
Fitch PK, Rojas SJ, Zamora PJ, Vázquez BA, Sepúlveda BJ
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 521-526
PDF size: 244.72 Kb.
Background: Leiomyomas are common benign neoplasms during reproductive
age. Its appearance in adolescents is exceptional and a diagnostic challenge in children
under 18 years of age. The case reported here is one of the 26 cases reported in
the bibliography and it is the largest tumor reported in the youngest patient to date.
Clinical case: A 14-year-old patient with onset of abnormal uterine bleeding, increased
abdominal circumference and three weeks with hypermenorrhea. Initial blood
chemistry report: severe anemia and pelvic ultrasound: a large solid adnexal tumor.
After improving the patient's hemodynamic conditions through transfusions of erythrocyte
concentrates, an exploratory laparotomy was performed and a giant leiomyoma,
dependent on the uterus, was removed. The histopathological report was: leiomyoma
of 16 cm in diameter, with red degeneration. The patient had no postoperative complications
and to date she has not experienced recurrence or abnormal uterine bleeding.
Conclusion: The pathophysiology of uterine fibroids remains poorly understood.
Surgical treatment at an early age should take into account the desire for pregnancy
and carry out a close follow-up to assess: fertility, recurrence, cellular atypia and
menstrual disorders.
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