2021, Number 4
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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud (ACIMED) 2021; 32 (4)
Application and use of mobile devices in Primary Health Care in Brasil
Dias VD, Rodrigues BP, Laerte GT, de Azevedo GEA, Conceição OV, Costa MZF, Fabriz A, Carvalho PI, Bezerra CR
Language: Portugués
References: 65
Page: 1-38
PDF size: 725.25 Kb.
The research aimed to assess the network of actors and their effects on the use of
mobile devices in Primary Health Care. Qualitative study was carried out based on
the Actor-Network Theory and the Cartography of Controversies. Interviews were
conducted with six nurses, 12 Community Health Agents, two Primary Health Care
coordinators, three IT Technicians, and seven patients, participant observation
and collection of inscription devices in a city in Minas Gerais, Brazil. The data was
analyzed using Content Analysis and systematized using Atlas.ti software. The
network of actors, understood as an articulator of connections, building a network
in association with other human and nonhuman mediators, has had effects on the
use of tablets, in the form of (re)inventions, in addition to the regulated uses.
There was resistance, agreement, and conflicts. The tablet was an actant that
influenced the professional-patient relationship. It is necessary to take into
account the effects emitted by humans and nonhumans in the adoption of
technologies, and the challenge of using and improving technologies to qualify
health care management remains.
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