2021, Number 4
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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud (ACIMED) 2021; 32 (4)
Influence of the elements communication channels, social system and time on the diffusion of the Electronic Health Record
Souza GD, Rodrigues BP, Barbosa de Castro FD, Barbosa EA, da Costa CF, de Souza BS, Bezerra CR
Language: Portugués
References: 33
Page: 1-25
PDF size: 349.35 Kb.
The purpose of the study was to analyze the influence of the elements
communication channels, social system and time on the diffusion of the Electronic
Health Record in Brasil. A qualitative case study was conducted based on
innovation diffusion theory, which contains 17 interviews and observations of the
daily work of eight family health teams involved in the use of technology in a city
of western Minas Gerais. The data were processed by thematic-categorial content
analysis and systematized with the software Atlas Ti. Communication means and
interpersonal communication channels were found to strengthen technology
diffusion. Acceptance of the innovation was fostered by the nurse, who encouraged
and mobilized the team in this direction. It was observed that some factors
contributed to resistance. For example, doctors and other professionals with
longer work hours considered that the technology was complex and the time
available insufficient. Diffusion of technology was also affected by strategies
deriving from the social system context: creation of typing scales, reliefs and
agreements, among others. Some challenges have emerged: coexistence of
technologies related to the Electronic Health Record and the clinical record,
conflicts, structural and training deficiencies, and underused technology. It was
found that the elements communication channels, time and social system influence innovation diffusion, mainly by fostering its adoption in the context
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