2022, Number 4
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Rev Hematol Mex 2022; 23 (4)
Diffuse non-Hodgkin lymphoma of extranodal large cells in a young patient with symptoms of splenic infarction
Chazaro-Rocha EF, Granados-Espinosa IB, Zúñiga-Perea V, Torres-Fierro A
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 260-367
PDF size: 398.82 Kb.
Background: Diffuse large B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is the most frequent
subtype of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in the world, representing 30-40% of cases. Splenic
infarcts manifest with abdominal pain syndrome and B symptoms.
Clinical case: A 35-year-old male patient who began with abdominal pain in
epigastrium of intensity 10/10, leukocytosis of 20,000, amylase and lipase in normal
range. Pancreatitis was suspected in USG. The CT scan showed a splenic and liver
abscess, free fluid in abdominal cavity and pleural effusion. Patient had splenic infarction,
the histopathological study after splenectomy reported: cells infiltration with
atypical lymphoid appearance; immunohistochemistry: CD20+, Cd3-, CD15-, CD
30-, IPI 1, Ann Arbor I. Treatment with R-CHOP for 6 cycles was started, presenting
complete remission.
Conclusions: The treatment of choice is R-CHOP and in case of spleen involvement
splenectomy improves progression, when accompanied by rituximab.
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