2022, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2022; 25 (3)
Pandemic and return
Desatnik MO
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 1195-1215
PDF size: 323.88 Kb.
The purpose of this paper is to promote a reflexive stand about the
impact that the COVID pandema has had in our lives, in the
individual and social dimensions. We emphasize the educational
experience, specifically, in the training of systemic family therapists, as well as in the attention of consultants as therapists. We focus on
the therapeutic and educational experience in relation with
expectations about the continuum from change to permanence of
situations that we have been living. We also focus at the transition
of family therapists students, supervisors and consultants, through
this stages. The sharing of social construction meanings, as well as
the recognition of systemic relationships, through Social
Constructivism, Systemic and Cibernetic persepctives, lead us to
the analysis of our activities as therapist, involved in training
processes as well as in their clinical practice, where we coparticipate
in shared processes. The understanding or these experiences can
lead us to perceive and to anticípate changes that we see as
imposible, or difficult, to stop, even though we have intense feelings
about returning to the initial conditions, before the pandemia. This
analysis can contribute to educational processes characterized by
colaboration, dialogue and attention of the person of the therapist.
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