2022, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2022; 25 (3)
Thinking about the body of the adolescent: challenges for the current psychoanalytic clinic
Flores AM
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 1029-1042
PDF size: 311.58 Kb.
From a psychoanalytic perspective, the changes that have occurred
in adolescence from the emergence and implementation of the use
of technology in everyday life are described. As well as the
implications of clinical work with adolescents through an online
For this purpose, the search for primary and secondary sources was
used as a methodology for the analysis of the proposed topic.
Finding that adolescents represent the discomfort of a time where
the body is today the target, suffering the consequences of the
paradigm shift that goes from human life to the virtual world.
Therefore, it is concluded that the analytical clinic is a space that
becomes necessary for the adolescent, to the extent that it allows
him to give rise to his word and with it, the possibility of building a
body that makes him identify and recognize himself. to assume a
different position within the virtual field that crosses it.
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