2022, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2022; 25 (3)
Bullying: a teaching perspective
Díaz MG, Gómez MBA, Carrizosa LY, Mares MA, Martínez LR
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 822-840
PDF size: 338.05 Kb.
In basic education, the teacher is concerned about the behavior that his
students should show within the institution. Any behavior that violates the
rules represents a lack of discipline that the institution must face. The
objective of the study was aimed at accounting for the meanings and
meanings involved in the perspective of teachers about the so-called
bullying among students. Based on the principles of Symbolic
Interactionism, the in-depth interview was used to investigate such a
perspective in participating teachers. Areas related to the experience of
this type of situation were explored. The analysis of the information
included its categorization, tendency and sense implied in an institutional
framework. The results show that teachers, despite recognizing difficulties
in understanding and delimiting what is called bullying, resort to the term
to discretionally label students, representing them as a resource to
maintain order, without implying any responsibility. It is concluded that
bullying is a function of the implementation of disciplinary policies, where
the actions are aimed at monitoring and punishing the behavior in
question, including them as part of the performance of their work and
attributing to them a sense of personal security and safety institutional.
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