2022, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2022; 25 (4)
The case of ramón mercader del río and the inaccuracies in the application of legal psychotechniques
Rovelo ENC, García SJ, Huerta AC, Luna RE
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 1808-1836
PDF size: 345.87 Kb.
We present a journey through the history of psychoanalysis, this
time away from the Psi world, through a review of the four Freudian
contributions to law. As well as the ups and downs that brought
psychoanalysis to the Mexican court through the jurist Raúl
Carrancá y Trujillo, who held the idea that judges should analyze the
accused to understand their psyche and know the reasons for their
crimes, for which he developed the legal psychotechniques. We
review his proposal and application of legal psychotechnics in the
light of what Freud proposed about wild psychoanalysis. This had
important consequences not only in the legal field but also at the
sociopolitical level, when Carrancá requested that the legal
psychotechnique be applied to Ramón Mercader del Río, who was
accused of committing one of the most important crimes of the 20th
century that took place in Mexico in 1940, we refer to the
assassination of Leon Trotsky. The case was extremely complex
both because of Mercader's refusal to reveal his true identity, and
because of his iron silence to never reveal the plot that was hatched
from the USSR to end Trotsky's life.
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