2021, Number 4
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Mul Med 2021; 25 (4)
Risk factors associated with the low birth weight. Guise municipality. January – December 2019
Rondón CJ, Morales VCL, Estrada PA, Alonso AM, Rondón CRY
Language: Spanish
References: 16
PDF size: 164.12 Kb.
reducing low birth weight is a priority in the country as it is decisive for reducing infant mortality.
to determine the main risk factors associated with low birth weight Guisa, Granma.
a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out, it included 37 pregnant women who provided births with low birth weight in the study period. The variables maternal age, nutritional evaluation at the beginning of pregnancy, gestational age at delivery, type of low weight, personal history and diseases associated with pregnancy were analyzed.
there were 511 births, 37 showed a weight less than 2500 g. The highest number of births occurred in fertile ages of life, predominating the normal weight nutritional assessment at the beginning of pregnancy. Gestational ages between 37-42 weeks were the ones that contributed the most to low weight, there were no births in pregnant women with less than 32 weeks. Restricted intrauterine growths predominated. Among the pathological antecedents, arterial hypertension stands out, followed by bronchial asthma, mild anemia.
low birth weight is a health problem in the Guisa municipality and therefore its negative influence on the quality of life of infants. Extreme ages were not factors of incidence in low birth weight as well as nutritional status. The main causes are restricted intrauterine growth and preterm delivery. The early identification of risk factors and the adoption of effective measures will reduce the incidence of these causes.
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