2022, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2022; 25 (4)
Generalized anxiety disorder. a case study from cognitive behavioral therapy
Berdazco PD, Hernández MA, González TJ
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 1419-1435
PDF size: 236.54 Kb.
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is defined as excessive anxiety
and worry (apprehensive anticipation), occurring on more days than
has been absent for a minimum of six months, related to various
events or activities (DSM- V). A study carried out in Mexico indicates
that since 2002, the last investigation on the prevalence of anxiety
disorders was carried out, indicating that it was 14.3%. Currently,
during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is evidence that it
increased to 31 and 33%. The main objective of this article is to
present a case study of a patient diagnosed with GAD. This case
study focused on the psychological treatment of a 60-year-old
consultant, resident in Saltillo, Coahuila. A semi-structured interview
was applied to cover the different spheres to collect more information.
In addition, a series of psychometric tests were applied that could
corroborate and extend the diagnosis issued, such as the Beck
Depression Inventory, Clinical Symptoms Inventory, Situations and
Anxiety Response Inventory, and Ellis Beliefs Test. The intervention
was designed from a cognitive behavioral cut which included
techniques such as physiological deactivation, restructuring of
thoughts, problem solving and training in social skills. The main
results showed a decrease in physiological anxiety, a decrease in
thoughts of catastrophizing and magnification, being able to identify
solutions to possible problems and acquiring social skills to establish
more effective communication. It is concluded that the intervention
from cognitive behavioral models allowed to reduce the clinical
symptoms of the patient.
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