2022, Number 4
The role of anxiety and coping in adherence to heart-healthy eating: a psychosocial view in ischemic heart disease
Language: Spanish
References: 52
Page: 1338-1359
PDF size: 316.63 Kb.
Ischemic cardiomyopathy (CAD) is one of the main causes of mortality in Mexico and worldwide. Its development is related to psychosocial factors such as anxiety and coping styles in relation to illness and eating. Its development is related to psychosocial factors such as anxiety and coping styles in relation to the disease and nutrition. Therefore, interventions that implement heart-healthy eating strategies and stress management help to ensure optimal adherence to medical and psychological treatment. The aim of the study was to relate coping with heart-healthy eating and anxiety to adherence to heart-healthy eating and to determine the differences between groups based on the type of coping and anxiety in patients with CAD. A total of 309 Mexican patients aged 30-82 years (M= 52, SD= 12.5) participated and were evaluated by means of the Heart-healthy Eating Questionnaire (PREDIMED), the Coping to Heart-healthy Eating Scale and the Hospital Anxiety Scale. Pearson's product moment analysis and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were performed with a 2 x 4 design. The results showed moderate significant relationships between the variables. In addition, the presence of differences between the severe anxiety groups versus the no anxiety, mild anxiety and moderate anxiety groups was reported.REFERENCES
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