2023, Number 05
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2023; 91 (05)
Complete hydatidiform mole in a perimenopausal woman. Clinical case
Hernández-Albino MF, Padrón-Arredondo G
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 377-381
PDF size: 418.33 Kb.
Background: Hydatidiform mole is divided into complete and partial. The former
originates from fertilization of an anucleate ovum by two spermatozoa with independent
genetic load and the predominant clinical manifestation is hemorrhage. The uterine size
is usually larger than normal, with subjective symptoms of pregnancy. The importance
of this type of tumor is its premalignant character that can evolve into a trophoblastic
neoplasm, so that in the complete mole it will transform into a neoplasm.
Clinic case: 43-year-old patient who came for consultation due to the fall of her
support plane 3 days earlier, with pelvic pain in the hypogastrium, cramping of moderate
intensity, without transvaginal bleeding. She reported being pregnant, without
remembering the date of her last menstrual period; no prenatal check-up or previous
ultrasound. On physical examination the abdomen was found to be globose, at the
expense of a hypertrophic uterus measuring 16 x 12 x 10 cm, HGCß concentrations
greater than 150,000 mIU/mL. Endovaginal and pelvic ultrasound reported: anteverted,
central, enlarged uterus with snowflake-shaped ultrasound image. Diagnosis: hydatidiform
mole. Abdominal hysterectomy was indicated, with findings of an enlarged uterus
at the expense of complete mole and unaltered adnexa.
Conclusion: The patient's diagnosis was fortuitous, noticed on ultrasound. The
therapeutic approach established for this type of case in older patients with satisfactory
parity allowed for a satisfactory evolution and continued follow-up.
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