2023, Number 2
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salud publica mex 2023; 65 (2)
Modified cellular processes in Aedes aegypti infected with Wolbachia and susceptibility to dengue virus
López-Ordóñez T, Díaz-Rodarte KI, Torres-Monzón JA, Casas-Martínez M, Danis-Lozano R, Mosso-González C
Language: Spanish
References: 46
Page: 136-143
PDF size: 291.73 Kb.
Objective. To analyze the differential expression of proteins
Ae. aegypti infected with
Wolbachia and its association with
the viral cycle of dengue virus (DENV).
Materials and
methods. We review a database of proteins from
Ae. aegypti
infected and uninfected with
Wolbachia and we reviewed
published articles in peer-reviewed journals that talk about
participation in the protein and viral cycle of DENV.
We found proteins that expressed changes in
Wolbachia infection,
some increased and others decreased, which participate
in the processes of entry, replication, and exit of DENV.
Conclusions. There are changes in protein expression of
Wolbachia-infected cells, which are necessary for the DENV
replication cycle, explaining why some
mosquitoes are refractory to DENV infection.
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