2021, Number 4
The integration of the educational software in the teaching-learning process of Rehabilitation in Dentistry
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 115-129
PDF size: 176.33 Kb.
Background: educational softwares are valuable teaching aids that stimulate learning in the Rehabilitation discipline, but they require the existence of conditions that favor their integration in the teaching-learning process.Objective: to identify the existing conditions for the integration of the educational software in the teaching-learning process of the subjects Rehabilitation I and II of the third year of the Dentistry degree.
Methods: a qualitative research was carried out in medical education, in the dentistry degree of Holguín University of Medical Sciences, from September 2019 to December 2019. The following theoretical methods were used: analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive and the historical-logical; and as an empirical method: the group interview, with the participation of seven teachers who constituted a purposive sample of all the nine teachers who are part of the teaching group for the Rehabilitation I and II subjects.
Results: the elaboration of a Dafo matrix showed the existence of 10 strengths, 6 opportunities, 6 weaknesses and 3 threats. The balance of forces evidenced 16 driving forces and nine restraining forces.
Conclusions: the determined strengths and opportunities show that there are conditions for the integration of educational the software in the teaching-learning process of the subjects Rehabilitation I and II. Taking advantages of the driving forces, modifying weaknesses, and minimizing the effect of threats are necessary actions for integration.
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