2021, Number 4
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CorSalud 2021; 13 (4)
Behavior of door-to-needle time in thrombolytic treatment of patients with acute myocardial infarction
Rodríguez DJA, Tamarit CO, Mariol PR
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 421-428
PDF size: 262.77 Kb.
Introduction: Occlusion of a coronary artery leads to cell death over a period of time ranging from 4-12 hours. This is a dynamic process that can be modified with vessel reperfusion by reducing the size of the acute myocardial infarction (AMI).
Objective: To determine the door-to-needle time of thrombolytic treatment in patients with AMI and its relationship with mortality, left ventricular function and clinical outcome up to one year after the event.
Method: A prospective longitudinal descriptive study was carried out, including all patients diagnosed with ST-segment elevation AMI at the Hospital General Do-cente Martín Chang Puga in Nuevitas, Cuba, from January 2000 to December 2019.
Results: Patients were predominantly male (53.12%), white (52.16%) and between 56 and 65 years of age (29.53%). Less than half underwent thrombolysis. The high-est acute phase mortality was found in those who had a door-to-needle time be-tween 6 and 12 hours, while it was lower among those who received thrombolysis within the first 60 minutes. The best left ventricular function was found among patients with a door-to-needle time of less than 30 minutes, and those with more than 6 hours were those with the greatest degree of ventricular dysfunction. The improvement of this ventricular dysfunction at 1-year follow-up was inversely proportional to the door-to-needle time.
Conclusions: The clinical outcome was mostly unfavorable in patients with door-to-needle time of more than 6 hours, where ventricular function was more com-promised and influenced mortality.
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