2021, Number 4
Síndrome de McKittrick-Wheelock. Informe de caso
Language: Spanish
References: 9
Page: 605-611
PDF size: 479.63 Kb.
Introduction: McKittrick-Wheelock syndrome is a rare disease worldwide. It is characterized by the sudden appearance of large adenomas that prolapse rectally or by the presence of rectal villous adenomas that produce chronic diarrhea, water and electrolyte loss, renal failure and rectal bleeding. Treatment is mainly surgical (polypectomy).Patient information: male patient, with a personal pathological history of chronic renal failure and right renal transplant. He was admitted with a diagnosis of chronic diarrhea, during the hospital stay, when defecating, he felt that a “mass” prolapsed through the anus, accompanied by abundant bleeding. The “mass” did not reduce spontaneously and she continued with bleeding, abundant secretions, rectal pain and diarrhea.
Conclusions: McKittrick-Wheelock syndrome is extremely rare but, due to the serious condition to which it leads the patient, it must be promptly managed by the medical staff, with adequate correction of the internal environment and timely surgical treatment as the only solution.
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