2022, Number 2
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Arch Med 2022; 22 (2)
Validity of content of a mobile application for home monitoring of the motor development of premature children
Beltrán PMF, Nivia RLY, Molina CDC, Ballén GEY, Hastamorir CLD, Castellanos AL
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 221-229
PDF size: 378.74 Kb.
Objective: determine the content validity of the Hospital-Home mobile application for
home monitoring by parents of the motor development of premature children. The active
participation of parents is fundamental for the acquisition of motor skills demonstrating
better results.
Methodology: quantitative study, a validation process is carried out for
the content of an application with the expert judgment technique.
Results: a general
kappa index of 0.739 was obtained for the content of the application, which indicates
a substantial concordance between evaluators.
Conclusions: home follow-up processes require constant feedback for parents, so
the Baby motor skills can be a useful tool based on scientific evidence for parents by
providing reliable information and practices about their children’s motor development.
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