2020, Number 4
La literatura como medio de enseñanza en el Curso propio de Historia de la Estomatología
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 554-562
PDF size: 309.07 Kb.
Introduction: the perception of the arts has a positive influence on the spirituality of men and, moreover, on that of the students to whom these actions are directed in the educational and formative context in which they are carried out.Objective: to show the usefulness of literature as a means of teaching in the proper course of History of Stomatology.
Methods: a descriptive educational research was carried out at the School of Dentistry with 59 first-year students from the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 academic years during the first semester, which is the course of the History of Dentistry. Forty-three works were reviewed and selected for teaching. The analytical-synthetic method and documentary review were used. To know the students' perception about the usefulness of the resource used, surveys were applied. The quantitative data were processed, the descriptive statistics and the relative frequencies were used.
Results: 12 literary works, contents and relevant teaching organization forms were selected to design the teaching tasks to be solved by the students. 94.6% were satisfied with the experience and demonstrated its usefulness in the training process.
Conclusions: literature is a useful instrument for teaching the history of the profession and contributes to humanistic training by integrating values in students of the medical sciences, which is why it should be introduced from the first year, according to the teacher's preparation and the possibilities offered by the system of contents and the organizational forms of teaching for its use.
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