2021, Number 4
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Rev Acta Médica 2021; 22 (4)
Frailty Phenotypes in Individuals Aged 65 Years And Over In Havana, Cuba
Pérez MY, Llibre RJJ, Fonte ST, Hernández UE, González SÁG
Language: Spanish
References: 21
PDF size: 144.95 Kb.
Introduction: Frailty syndrome is characterized by greater vulnerability and risk
of functional deterioration in the face of minimal stress, consecuence of the
dysregulation of multiple physiological systems in the elderly.
Objective: To determine the frequency of frailty phenotypes in individuals aged
65 years and over, according to the selected variables.
Methods: A secondary analysis of the database of the Aging and Alzheimer study
was carried out, through a descriptive and cross-sectional study in individuals aged
65 years and over, belonging to seven health areas of Havana from 2007 to 2010.
Two thousand twenty four (2024) individuals made up the sample, which met the
inclusion and exclusion criteria. The data were statistically validated using Chi
square and Fisher's exact test.
Results: The frequency of frailty phenotypes (pre-frailty and frailty) was 54% and
5.0%, respectively. The group of 80 years and over predominated as in 66.9% and
11.0% and in women with 60.5% and 6.4%, respectively. In those with a lower level
of schooling, the frequency of frailty reached 24.8%. 54.4% of the alcohol drinkers
were pre-frail. The frequency of frailty reached 50% in the group of those with
more than three diseases. According to the care needs, 68.2% were pre-frail and
27.4%, frail.
Conclusions: The pre-frailty phenotype predominated in the older individuals
studied, more frequently in those over 80 years of age. Female sex, lower level of
schooling, alcohol drinkers, multimorbidity and care needs were related to higher
prevalence of pre-frailty and frailty phenotypes.
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